TPA and PAC Funding Not Needed by Ward 12 Councillor Candidate Evan Spencer

Calgary, AB, September 27, 2021 Evan Spencer is running for councillor in Ward 12. Spencer is the non-partisan candidate with cross-partisan popularity setting him apart from other candidates in the ward. His forward-thinking, inclusive approach to municipal governance is resonating with many. Collaborating with others to champion local initiatives that create a thriving ward and city, for the betterment of all citizens, is what drives Spencer. His bootstrapped campaign is laser-focused on what elected municipal officials can influence through positive advocacy.

Spencer was one of the first municipal candidates in Alberta to sign the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Pledge a voluntary candidate commitment to support democratic municipal elections by keeping local elections local, maintaining independence and non-partisanship, demonstrating transparency, and engaging in respectful behaviour. To date, Spencer is the only Ward 12 candidate to make this commitment.


Upholding the key principles of democracy and improving the quality and tone of political discourse are important to Spencer, given the current
divisive and hyper-partisan political climate.

I want to secure what is best for the citizens of Ward 12 through engagement and collectively putting our best foot forward to meet and surpass our potential. Connecting with people and giving them room to make their contributions is how and why communities thrive. We all benefit when spending smarter, improving livability, and growing jobs and opportunity are the outcome-based priorities.

People and organizations are gravitating toward Spencer’s refreshing enthusiasm for building inclusive communities. As such, the following organizations have formally endorsed Spencer as their candidate of choice for Ward 12:

  • Look Forward Calgary
  • Calgary’s Future
  • Responsible Representation Political Action Committee

Spencer’s campaign is endorsed but is not funded or influenced by any PAC or TPA. (see donor list)

A candidate with a demonstrated track record of collaboration, Spencer — with the advantage of recent city council staffer and committee experience — recognizes this new council will either succeed or fail as a team and that this is not the time for maverick approaches to serious issues. To effectively meet the challenges ahead, Spencer will bring much-needed pragmatic leadership to the table. Spencer will carry his dedication to initiating bold ideas, building shared vision, and setting direction for thriving communities forward as Ward 12 Councillor.

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