Evan Knows | Small Infrastructure Is The Next Wave for Ward 12

Our infrastructure in Ward 12 is top notch! We have stellar facilities such as Seton YMCA and Calgary Public Library, South Health Campus, New Brighton Athletic Park, Resident and Homeowners Association buildings and amenities, proximity to major traffic arteries — the list goes on. We have a lot to enjoy. More can be done to ensure Ward 12 improves its livability year after year... but it will be hard to make a business case for big infrastructure projects. So, that means spending smarter going forward. 

Keeping committed infrastructure costs on track will be a priority for me as your Ward 12 councillor. We know that delaying projects, as seen in the Green Line history, costs epic overruns which trickle down to you. We cannot have that anymore. Decisive commitment keeps costs lower now than they will be in the future on already engaged projects. However, this does not mean there won't be requirements to spend or money to do so... we must spend smarter and constituents have multiple small spend projects in mind that will be important over the next few years.


No New Big Infrastructure Projects, Keep Green Line on Track

In the short run, it is going to be increasingly difficult to make a strong business case for major infrastructure projects in Calgary as our budgetary constraints tighten post-pandemic. 

While I will be working hard to advocate for the completion of the Green Line out to Seton, my focus will be on advocating for smaller infrastructure and community projects that demonstrate outsized value in increasing the livability of our neighbourhoods compared to the amount of money invested.

Small Infrastructure & Community Projects To Improve Safety, Livability, Enjoyment

There are multiple small infrastructure projects that can be done at a fraction of the cost of major infrastructure projects and still add deep value, meaning, and improvement to Ward 12. Many can even empower Ward 12 residents to actively participate in building the Calgary they want to live in, rather than rely on politicians to make all the decisions.

Safety Improvements

There are many small safety improvement projects I will advocate for as Councillor. Projects like the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) that keep pedestrians safe at dangerous intersections and the yellow concrete traffic bump outs that help preserve sightlines for merging traffic around high use areas such as schools. These investments pay off big in the long run as they keep Calgarians safe and lower the demand on our emergency services.

City and Citizen Collaborative Community Initiatives

The City has multiple opportunities and keen interest in collaborating with citizens to improve their spaces. Many residents are unaware and don’t even think to ask. As a creative community advocate, I am keen on facilitating more projects like the Auburn Bay Community Garden which is being run in cooperation with both The City and a local Non-Profit that is being hosted on the future LRT station land. This initiative is bringing neighbours together, increasing food security, growing community pride, and educating young people on urban agriculture.

Neighbour Day and Neighbouring Better Reduce Bylaw Enforcement & Costs

Another established initiative that merits championing, and modeling in other ways, is the Neighbour Day block party plan every June. These have been connecting neighbours on their blocks and increasing relational ties between Ward 12 residents for many years now. They are directly impacting how inclusive and resilient our neighbourhoods are. The more our neighbours have reasons to get to know you and each other in the community, the more engaged you and they become in taking on citizenship that improves safety, enjoyment and livability. “Neighbouring” has tangible cost reduction on City services by directly reducing demand on our Bylaw enforcement – when neighbours know each other they are more equipped to resolve matters together on their own.

Specific Ward 12 Small Infrastructure Needs Today:

  • Sound Fence Completion along Deerfoot for Cranston & Seton
  • Safety Improvements to the McKenzie Towne traffic circle (by McKenzie Towne Fire Station)
  • Regional Park in Seton (across from Seton Library)
  • Traffic calming improvements (RRFB’s, Calming Curbs, painted crosswalks, etc)
  • Vandalism and youth engagement initiatives (see previous article and video here)

Major City of Calgary Infrastructure Projects/Upgrades Underway or Coming Soon in Ward 12:

What infrastructure improvements do you want to see in Ward 12? Let Evan know.

