McKenzie Towne Splash Park

Officially as of June 4, 2024, the McKenzie Towne Council gave notice to the City that they would not be entering into an agreement regarding the Prestwick Fountain Park and the adjacent splash park. Read on for more details...

Winter Update December 11, 2024

Parks & Open Spaces has added this site to their operations for natural ice making.   You can view all outdoor skating opportunities (including the Prestwick Rink) and their status on the link below.

Outdoor skating rinks

Another new addition to the site are bookable fire pits.  Parks & Open Spaces will have two fire pits onsite, both will be available on a first come first serve basis however if you want to secure use for a particular day and time you can book on Calgary Live & Play and secure a permit.  Fire Pit bookings are for 2 hour blocks of time between 12-2,4-6 and 7-9 pm, seven days a week.  While bookings are not required, permit holders are given priority.   Citizens using the fire pits are required to bring their own wood and are not permitted to use trees, shrubs within the area to use as fuel.   Citizens must also bring their own water to ensure the fire is properly extinguished before leaving the site.  Fire Pit safety outlines soak, stir, and soak again.  You should be able to touch the surface before you leave. Click the link below to learn about locations within McKenzie Towne and across the city.   Getting a permit is easy and free using the link below.

Drop-in and bookable fire pits at parks

In addition, there are two bookable picnic tables that permit alcohol consumption! These individual picnic tables are designated for alcohol consumption and are located in neighbourhood parks. Picnic tables can be booked for free or used on a first-come, first-served basis. Bookings are available in 2-hour increments. But, participants may make multiple bookings or remain longer if no other bookings have been made. You can only drink alcohol at neighbourhood picnic tables that have an 'Alcohol permitted at tables only' sign attached. You can either book the table in advance using your City of Calgary Live and Play account or scan the QR code on the sign (attached to the table) to find out if it is available and then use your City of Calgary Live and Play account to book the table.

Book a picnic site


Previous Update from Summer 2024:

Update on Prestwick Splash Park

It saddens me that such an incredible amenity and recognizable landmark of McKenzie Towne is no longer under the stewardship of the community that has built and taken such great care of it. I am, however, thrilled that the City of Calgary Park’s department has stepped in and rallied on short notice to ensure the splash park will be operational this year for both residents and visitors. (Currently delayed by a Critical water main break - June 2024)

Current Status

All City of Calgary splash park openings are delayed due to a burst water main. The Prestwick Splash Park has been mostly inspected, with a few minor checks still required once the water can be run through it. This should not delay the opening in line with other splash parks around the City, but we will communicate any anticipated delays. More information about splash parks and their opening dates is available at

Concrete Pad Repairs

The concrete pad surrounding the fountain area has cracks and missing chunks that could harm bare feet. The damage is being assessed, and the necessary repairs will be planned accordingly. This may slow the activation of the fountain. If only minor repairs are needed, the fountain will be activated as soon as possible. If major repairs are required and cannot be safely postponed until after the splash park season, the timeline could be much longer. We will keep the community informed on this matter.


The Prestwick Fountain was built by the developer on City land, with stewardship given to the McKenzie Towne Council (MTC) to maintain this enhanced community asset using HOA fees. In 2017, MTC embarked on the ambitious project of building the splash park with the support of residents and associations, securing grants and financial support. Since its opening in 2018, the Prestwick Fountain Park has been maintained by MTC under an agreement with the City. As the park sits on City land, its infrastructure and amenities are considered City-owned assets.

A five-year Optional Amenity Agreement (OAA) was in place from 2018-2023. These agreements are used in communities with Homeowner Associations that have above-standard features. McKenzie Towne has other such amenities, including the gazebo, the arches on Elgin Hill, and the pillars between village areas (Prestwick, Elgin, and Inverness). Typically, all assets like this would be under one agreement, but the splash park was separated from the other amenities, and a new agreement was signed last year for MTC to continue its stewardship.

Agreement Discussions

Discussions began in 2022 in anticipation of the OAA's expiration. I was requested to be involved in early 2023 due to disagreements on the updated language in the new agreement. The change in tone from local ownership to stewardship was particularly concerning for the McKenzie Towne Council, though the terms largely remained the same. Due to the splash park's complexity, it was separated from the less complex amenities, and an OAA agreement was signed for the rest of the enhanced features in the community.

Multiple options were presented to MTC, including a Temporary Use agreement allowing MTC to operate and maintain the splash park while working toward a longer-term agreement. Long-term options included maintaining the splash park to City standards or reimbursing the City for doing so. However, on May 21, 2024, MTC’s Board of Directors voted to decline the agreement. According to OAA terms, if an HOA dissolves or refuses a new agreement, the amenities return to the City, which is then under no obligation to maintain them.

Next Steps

The City began assessing the park on May 30th and received official notice on June 6th. The City Parks department has been organizing to ensure the park's summer use. The future of the skating rink in winter is currently unknown, but there will be discussions with Parks and updates shared with the community.

In late 2023, MTC explored a sale of the parkland, which I initially supported. However, under the Municipal Government Act, park space cannot be sold if not deemed surplus, so the sale was not feasible, and I was no longer able to support the endeavor. You can read my letter to the board here.

Prestwick Fountain Park will continue to need an active community conversation. My office is committed to providing updates as we receive them, and a representative of my office attend the McKenzie Towne Community Association meetings regularly. For more information, feel free to contact our office anytime.


Evan Spencer

Cllr. Ward 12

[email protected]

  • Evan Spencer
    published this page in Blog 2024-06-25 10:12:55 -0600
