
The City of Calgary 2025 Property Assessments have gone out, marking the beginning of the Customer Review Period that ends March 21, 2025.

The Customer Review Period is an important time for property owners to check, compare, and review their assessments for accuracy, fairness, and equity. To do so, property owners are encouraged to visit calgary.ca/assessment to access their secure Assessment Search account, review property details, compare with similar properties, explore market trends, and sign up for eNotice.


How does my assessment affect my taxes?

Assessments are a mechanism to distribute property tax fairly and equitably among property owners. The City’s budget is divided among residential and non-residential, then per household. The total value of the 2025 Assessment Roll is $442 billion, an increase of $55 billion in value from last year. This City’s annual budget is roughly $4.8 billion (2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets), which is finalized the previous November each year. This year saw a 3.6% increase to the budget, as was originally planned for this four-year cycle. Although there are other ways The City collects revenue for its annual operating budget, property tax is the main way our City covers its expenses. The amount of the budget that is covered by property tax is first divided based on residential (including single-family homes, condos, and multi-family units) and non-residential (including office, industrial, retail properties and vacant land). Currently, the total assessed value of residential properties is $344.7 billion for 568,378 taxable accounts and $82.8 billion for 15,220 taxable accounts in non-residential. This year 1 per cent of the tax share shifted from non-residential to residential properties in 2025 residential has a tax share of 54% for and 46% for non-residential. The amount each pays is divided by the overall property value getting the tax rate, which is then applied to your assessed value to determine your municipal tax responsibility. After this, the Province provides their tax required from Calgary taxpayers (which was 34% last year) by the end of March. With this information The City is able to finalize the property tax rates and tax bills are mailed out in May with a due date of June 30, 2025.   Determining your share of property tax

Property tax calculator

What is different this year from last year's assessments?

The assessed value is based the market value of your property as of July 1st, which saw a higher increase in market value for condos compared to other forms of residential properties. The 2025 median single residential assessment is $697,000 compared to $610,000 in 2024. The 2025 median residential condominium assessment is $359,000 compared to $295,000 in 2024. This means condos will be seeing a higher percentage of increase in their property tax than single residential and multi-residential  properties. With The City budgetary changes and the 1 per cent tax shift from non-residential to residential properties, this will result in an estimated increase of $11.74 per month or 5.5% to the 2025 municipal property tax for single-family and an estimated increase of $12.77 per month or 12.4% to the 2025 municipal property tax of condos (this does not include the Provincial portion).

More information on both residential and non-residential changes can be found here.


What does this mean for residential properties in Ward 12?

When talking about taxes, the term “revenue neutral” means statistics that do not include any increase to taxes and looks at how assessments have affected how tax share has shifted between different types of tax generating properties. For 2025, the 5.5% tax increase would be above the “revenue neutral” information provided.

Based on revenue neutral statistics, roughly 48% of residential properties in Ward 12 will see a decrease in their City-portion of property tax paid this year, based on their assessments. Roughly 51% will see an increase with 13% seeing more than a 10% increase in what they paid for taxes last year. Breaking this down further, 93% of condos will see an increase in their taxes with 40% of that being more than a 10% increase. This is compared to single residential that has 32% who will see an increase in the taxes they pay with less than 1% that will see more than a 10% increase in The City portion of their taxes.


Other interesting information about this year’s assessments:

  • 2025 Top 10 Highest Valued Non-Residential Properties:

  • The massive hailstorm that hit NW Calgary particularly hard has affected their assessment values this year. Hailstorm Property Adjustment
  • Because of the postal strike, the Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) adjustment that typically happens in January was postponed until February and assessments were mailed out about a week later than usual.

If you have questions or concerns, you can contact Assessment at 403.268.2888 directly or feel free to reach out to our office by emailing [email protected].

  • Evan Spencer
    published this page in Blog 2025-01-17 13:31:06 -0700
